Top 5 Bio-inventions engineered to help our world

May 10th 2024 6 Min read Author: Adam Jones

The world is slowly getting warmer and messier as time flies by. Research shows that we won't achieve our climate goals if we don't invest in machinery that can, for example, harvest energy or make products with greener materials. Let's hope, and do something about our future!

1. Solar Panels

You’ve probably heard of the renewable energy source that uses solar energy to generate electrical energy. Solar panels are relatively cheap, produce more energy than fossil fuels, fit perfectly in deserts or other well-preserved UV-radiation areas, and don't need any kind of water while operating. The solar panel is one of the best innovative products, invented in 1839 by a group of scientists and physicists.

2. Bioplastic

The word bio means biological, and plastic… well, you probably know what that is. But for anyone who doesn't know, plastic is a human invention produced in the late 19th century. It contains polyethylene, which is a scientific term for saying that plastic is mainly made from fossil fuels, and it has recently become a big threat in our modern world.

The reason for being a threat is that plastic emits huge amounts of CO2, causes large landfills, and destroys wildlife. Now, what do the terms bioplastic and plastic have in common? Well, bioplastic can feel, look, and function like normal plastic, but is made from 100% biodegradable materials. This means that instead of traditional plastic, which can take up to 300-500 years to fully decompose, bioplastics only need 3-6 months! Sadly, only 1% of the plastic industry today uses actual bioplastic, and 99% is regular plastic. But many are optimistic that bioplastic will be more common in the near future.

3. Poo Poo Paper

Yes, you read the title correctly. Poo Poo Paper is a company that started making tree-free paper in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The company makes the paper from elephant poop, because it contains a high value of different pulp and fibers, the same as those found in traditional tree-made paper. The most environmentally significant thing Poo Poo Paper has done is to decrease the large number of innocent trees being cut down. The poo paper is, of course, cleaned thoroughly to prevent any contaminated bacteria from the poop getting on your hands.

4. Vertical Farming

A vertical farm is a small space allowing crops and other traditional vegetables to be grown vertically. The whole idea behind it is to minimize the large areas of agriculture and replace them with a container-sized box where crops are grown vertically to reduce space. It also gives the plants more nutrients and requires less water than a typical farming area. Additionally, the company Square Roots has invested in making vertical farming possible in an actual leftover container. By doing this, they don’t need as much energy or water as a typical vertical farm, and they also reduce the waste of containers being thrown away.

5. Magic Mushroom

No, the mushroom doesn't give you magical powers or anything like that, but it is magical in its own way. The company Ecovative has made a groundbreaking and innovative product from mycelium, the root structure of a mushroom, and turns it into eco-friendly products. The mycelium can be used for making styrofoam, artificial leather, and even bacon! The mycelium has very dense and rich cellular fibers from the mushroom's root system, and therefore can be used to make these cool environmentally friendly products!