This Factory Makes Salt Water into Clean Drinking Water!

May 11th 2024 6 Min read Author: Ulurt Nileman

-The Water Crisis is getting More Worse!

This Factory Makes Salt Water into Clean Drinking Water!

Most people in the world today don't have access to clean drinking water. Most of the water is either contaminated, or salt water from the shore. There have been several consumer friendly products to help people seperate the dirt water, with clean water. Such as a water filtertube, P&G water Purifier and a biodegradable water purifier powder. But this isn't as simple with salt water, because Salt dissolves very easily in water, forming strong chemical bonds, and those bonds are difficult to break. Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be pretty costly. This has been done in some places of the world, such as the Emirates. First they collect the ocean water, pressure the chemical bonds in the saltwater, and then put it through a filter. The filter only allows the clean water without salt to pass through. The factory was able to make billions of liters of water everyday!

With this technology people, animals and plants don't need to drink salt water, but instead drink safe and delicious fresh and clean drinking water. People need to convince their governments in for example India, to instead of wasting their money on BIG statues They should instead invest the money in clean drinking water, so that people in India don't need to drink dirty water. Because if we don't do anything NOW, we all will one day suffer from not drinking clean water!